Two Bay City Residents Celebrate “Kidneyversary”


BAY CITY, Mich. (WNEM) – Brian Martindale and Jessica Schwerin will celebrate their 10-year “kidneyversary” on Jan. 11.

In  2012, Schwerin’s mother stood on a Bay City street corner for hours  holding a big pink sign and asking for someone to save her daughter, who  was in stage four renal failure and needed a kidney transplant.

Martindale was able to donate his kidney to Schwerin on Jan 11., 2013, Martindale said.

The two will be celebrating the 10-year anniversary of that donation in the new year.


This was a profound experience for Martindale and he said he has been a part of the Kidneys for Kids nonprofit ever since.

The  Kidneys for Kids nonprofit has a mission to financially assist families  whose child is battling kidney disease. The organization said they also  assist Michigan adults with costs not covered by insurance as they  battle kidney disease or go through transplants.

TV5 has covered Martindale’s and Schwerin’s story since 2012, most recently to shine a light on Martindale’s plans to visit 48 states in the US to advocate for children needing kidney transplants. His goal  was to find 100 donors to save the lives of 100 children.

For  their 10-year “kidneyversary”, Martindale and Schwerin said they are  hoping to find a donor for Shelly Gromaski of Pinconning.

Gromaski is in need of a kidney transplant and is currently on the waiting list at the University of Michigan.

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