Pediatric Glomerular Kidney Disease

Glomerular Kidney Disease (Pediatric) Pediatric Glomerular Diseases include diseases such as Nephrotic Syndrome Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) Minimal Change Disease IgM Nephropathy IgA Nephropathy C3 Glomerulopathy Membranous Nephropathy These diseases may cause the kidneys to leak excess protein and blood in the urine, high blood pressure, and may lead to loss of […]
Painter On A Mission To Match Kidneys For Kids

Marty Mulcahy Editor BAY CITY – Brian Martindale, a Local 2353 union painter, in 2013 almost certainly saved the life of a 10-year-old girl who was in renal failure, by giving her one of his kidneys. Motivated to spread the word about the need for more kidney donors, last month Martindale wrapped up a personal […]