In September, I was fortunate enough to be invited by T.J. Mayfield- president of the Mississippi Kidney Foundation, to visit their office as part of my advocating trip for children who need kidney transplants. I ended up spending 5 days there, working with T.J. on what was being done to assure kidney patients had access to clean water,and what dialysis centers were doing to continue to carry on operations. The visit was an eye opening experience, and led to the first partnership from Kidneys For Kids to a kidney foundation, and the start of a life long friendship with T.J. Mayfield. I hope you will view ,like,and share the following news story ,wonderfully done by WLBT- Jackson,Mississippi.
Have a blessed day. Brian Martindale- Kidneys For Kids
#shareyourspare #donatelife #parentsofkidneykids#childrenlivingwithkidneydisease #livingdonorsonline #transplanttalk#livingondiyalsis #jacksonmississippi #Mississippi #kidneytransplant#kidneysforkids #tjmayfield #mississippikidneyfoundation #wlbt #nbc #chevroletbolt #ev #kidneydisease #kidneydonor